The THREE HUNDRED collaboration

The Three Hundred Project aims to exploit a large sample of simulated galaxy clusters and their environment modelled using a range of simulation packages and physics modules. In addition to the standard post-processing analysis, mock observational maps are available mimicking X-ray, optical, gravitational lensing, radio, and SZ observations. This dataset will be used to:
  • Study the formation and evolution of galaxy clusters in relation to the underlying cosmological framework.
  • Quantify the influence of baryonic physics via various sub-grid physics models, including both full physics cosmological simulations and semi-analytical galaxy formation models.
  • Constrain the properties of the intra-cluster medium.
  • Prepare derived data products mocking observations in various wave-bands (e.g. X-rays, optical, and also gravitational lensing signals, SZ maps, etc.).
  • Study galaxy formation and evolution in a range of environments by supplementing our cluster dataset with field region simulations.
The collaboration is open to everyone with an interest in galaxy clusters and certainly not only limited to above mentioned science topics. Feel free to contribute with your interests to the collaboration.

In this website we provide access to the halo catalogues for the 324 zoomed regions simulated with different physics  hydro codes:
  •  GADGET-MUSIC (Classical SPH method + S&H 03 Sar formation + SN feedback model)
  • GADGETX-AGN ( New SPH method + SN + Super Massive Black hole feedback)
  • GIZMO-SIMBA   (GIZMO hydro SPH  +  SN + AGN feedback  modelling )
Also, the halo catalogues for the  dark matter only version of the same zoomed regions are also provided in two resolutions:
  • DMONLY-LOWRES ( same mass resolution as for the hydro runs)
  • DMONLY-HIGHRES ( 8 times better mass resolution )
  • In MOVIES you can find animations of the dark matter distribution for all the zoomed regions (324 original + 68 new extensions) showing the redshift evolution and 3d rotation at z=0.
  • IN MOVIES_FHD you can find movies for the extended sample of 68 new regions in Full HD (1920x1080)